This week, I wanted to share a few articles you might want to check out. When I come across these kinds of things I hang on to them in case they might be useful in the future. If any of them speak to you, I hope you take a moment to check them out.
Holmes, A. G. D., (2020). Research positionality - A consideration of its influence and place in
qualitative research - A new researcher guide. Shanlax International Journal of Education, 8(4),
Martin, J. P., Design, R., & Borrego, M. (2022). Positionality statements are just the tip of the iceberg:
Moving towards a reflexive process. Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and
Engineering, 28(4), v-vii.
Schmidt, M. & Hansson, E. (2018). Doctoral students' well being: A literature review. International
Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being, 13(1), 1-14.
