May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
There are always stressors and ups and downs through life as well as through the graduate student process. It is important that we attend to ourselves and reach out and support one another as we navigate these issues and our challenges.
The article below was published a few months ago (thanks for sharing, Mike Isaza!) in The Chronicle of Higher Education and focuses specifically on the mental health of graduate students. I hope you find it helpful.
Be well and check in on your friends and classmates to offer them support, too.
Wedemeyer-Strombel, K. R. (2019, August 27). Why we need to talk more about mental health in graduate school. The Chronicle of Higher Education. https://www.chronicle.com/article/Why-We-Need-to-Talk-More-About/247002?utm_source=pm&utm_medium=en&cid=pm&source=ams&sourceId=34764
And here are some tips I found from Psychology Today. Use what is helpful to you.